• Post category:SEO
  • Reading time:5 mins read

You don’t need to be an SEO (search engine optimization) expert to improve your website traffic! As long as you have access to your website(if you don’t, that’s an issue for another day!), you can make tweaks today to help your Google ranking. A higher Google ranking means a higher click-through rate means potentially more leads and sales. Check out the list below for some quick tips and tricks for SEO.

  • Make sure you have concise, short, descriptive page titles
    • Include keywords you want to rank for and your business location
    • Example “Smitten Ice Cream | Ice Cream Shop in CA”
  • Helpful and intriguing meta descriptions. This is your mini-pitch.
    • Answer a question, speak to emotion, use keywords and location
    • Example: Smitten Ice Cream is a hip dessert shop using seasonal ingredients in small-batch ice creams made using liquid nitrogen.
  • Short, descriptive, and sensical URLs.
    • /about, /contact, /services
    • Always redirect an old URL when changing a live URL. 404s = BAD for ranking
  • Add ALT-tags to your photos
    • Use descriptors of the photos including keywords, example “eating delicious ice cream”
  • Diversify and expand your content
    • Cater different pages and blogs to different keywords
    • Example: home page keyword of “ice cream” and about page is “small-batch” and “seasonal ingredients”
  • Do not use recycled or spun content
    • Google will flag duplicate content as spam, pushing you down the ranks.
    • This is especially important to note if using ChatGPT or AI
  • Do not keyword stuff – LESS AND CONSISTENT IS MORE
    • Keep your keywords to 60-70% of your page headings and once every 100 words.
  • Do not ignore mobile responsiveness
    • Google ranks your mobile version first, meaning lower compatibility = lower ranking overall. Not to mention, a majority of users are on mobile.
  • Do not leave your website to gather dust
    • Google prioritizes fresh, relevant content
    • Add new blogs, new products, new reviews/testimonials, update specials, staff

Ignoring your SEO can mean losing out on leads and sales. Working on these small actions a little bit every day or every week will start to show a big difference in your click-through rate from Google searches!

If this list seems overwhelming, we can help! Contact us today to discuss your options and get recommendations and a quote on SEO plans and upgrades to your site.